The Story of Us
Our Beginnings: From Then till Now
In 1975 Jack & Mary-Deane Crawford purchased 13 acres of land in what was then the wilds of rural Milton. It was the beginning of an idea that had been talked about for many years – being able to grow plants of better quality than was available.
Today, that goal has largely been achieved, with over 30,000 sq. ft. of retail and production greenhouses combined. Chris and Sarah, the Crawfords’ daughter and son-in-law are the new “green” energy source at the garden centre. Sarah grew up working in the greenhouses with her parents, while Chris has worked at Crawfords since graduating from university. Both Sarah and Chris have decided they want to be in the family business, and see Crawfords Garden Centre continue to serve the needs of their customers.
Quality is still the main focus and the ability to change and innovate every year keeps both staff and customers looking forward to every new season.